“I’ve always been very interested in science as well as fiction. I always thought that these two were linked because understanding and visualizing our world requires a powerful sense of imagination. That’s why I’m passionate about imagining the impossible, and I believe movies are the best candidates to stimulate the imagination.” – Azad Boubrit
Author Archives: Bogdan Hunter
Josh Pule – Mega shoutout for a great, outstanding service!
Mega #shoutout to @RenderStreet for a great, outstanding service!! Even with the monthly option the quality of service is more than what I needed to get my tight deadline animated project rendered! 👏🏾👏🏾 #expectationsExceeded
— Josh Pule (@MegaMidas) July 8, 2018
Jonas Melin’s Arts Program story
In Sweden’s Upper Secondary School, there is a three year higher education preparatory Arts Program held by S:t Eriks Gymnasium. It features an animation topic that aims to develop students’ abilities to communicate using digital tools.
We’ve recently had a talk with the program leader, arts and design teacher Jonas Melin, to understand his perspective on animation and to hear the Program’s story.
“When we started this Animation profile in 2011, we had a big problem with the render times for 3D. Our computers are good for 2D, but for photorealistic renderings, they are way too slow.” – Mr. Jonas Melin, teacher and program leader
David Letondor – The Digital Watchmaker
“In reality, nothing is perfect and our brains know that!” – David Letondor
David describes himself as a self-taught 3D artist.
Having learned Maya on his own (by reading the documentation, no less…) he eventually landed a job in an architectural visualization company.
He then went to work for a company in Geneva making 3D models of watches by high-end Swiss manufacturers such as Vacheron Constantin. I happened upon one of his watch models online and was immediately taken with their intricate details and complexity.
I wanted to pick his brain on how he goes about creating such complex works and asked him a few questions.
Bitcoin/Altcoin payment now available for RenderStreet On Demand
During the past year the crypto trend blew right through the roof especially with Bitcoin more than tripling its value. Now, with things settling down a bit and stabilizing, and because many of our customers are cryptocurrency aficionados, we’d like to bring you some good crypto news.
New RenderStreet One yearly option
Since the launch of RenderStreet One, the monthly subscription plan has become our most popular option for artists requiring a fixed cost, always-on rendering solution.
Last year we’ve added two new payment methods that you’ve been asking for, Paypal and American Express. This update also unified the payment interface so everything was brought together making it easier to manage subscriptions and credits all in one place. Also in 2017 we have introduced a couple of new options for our members, the ability to render longer frames, and support for Modo rendering.
Now in 2018, because many of you asked, we thought you should start the year with some good news and a happier wallet so we’ve made RenderStreet One available as a yearly subscription.
Tobias Steiner – I couldn’t be happier with the results
I just wanted to send everyone at Render Street a big thank you for doing what you’re doing to bring this service to us.
I have been using the service for a few days now and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Being at the helm of a small company with big creative content to deliver, you have given me something that is rare to find in this industry.
Peace of mind and a great deal of stress relief. My clients are thrilled and so am I.
Thank you so very very much for creating Render Street and RenderStreet One!
Tobias Steiner,
FrameHaus LLC
Adrian Marc – A passion for sci-fi
I liked Adrian’s work since I first saw one of his designs online. It had something that made my eyes want to stick to it. I realized, after looking at the rest of his portfolio, that it was the immersive atmosphere that you can find throughout his art.
Curious to find out more, I started to look for more information. I found out he studied industrial design at the Transylvania University of Brasov (Romania), designed game assets, book covers and more.
We’re proud to share with you below our first interview with a Romanian artist.
Automatic Cloud upload is here
Flexibility and convenience are always at the core of what we’re offering you. We know that it’s important for you to have your renders available on your machine in a timely fashion and as hassle-free as possible.
What do NASA, US Special Operations Command and Blender have in common?
The answer is: Hugo Shelley, and his crew, having reached the final stages of the Cubesat Challenge with their LSAT system.
The project is a very interesting (little) satellite, capable of helping out soldiers on the battlefield. Read on to find out from Hugo himself how the team got there.
Update: Team LSAT has won one of the four $5000 prizes of The Cubesat Challenge’s 3U category.
Congratulations to all involved for their exceptional work!
Roman Volkov – A 3D hobby taken to the next level
My first contact with Roman’s work was through blenderartists.org forum. Being a car aficionado myself, I naturally took a liking to his art. The things that really impressed me though, were the close-up and outdoor renders. The reflections were just right, the light spot on (pun intended) and the overall look was worthy of a manufacturer’s catalogue. In fact, at a certain point I thought they could be easily mistaken for real photos of a car.
Read on to find out how he works and his very interesting views about modelling and more.
Hi Roman, you told me that 3D art is currently a hobby of yours. Tell us a little bit about how you got into it.
Oh, it’s a long story. From my very childhood I liked drawing and freehand modelling. When studying in school, this passion gradually moved into a digital world.
My first steps in 3D art
Joe Friedel – an intelligent solution
“Renderstreet is an intelligent solution to the digital artist’s
dilemma of painstakingly slow renderings. If you want
to make a deadline or just have your work done sooner
this is the smartest way to achieve those things. The cost is
affordable and the customer service is excellent!”
Joe Friedel,
Digital Artist
3rd party funding now available
A new feature is now available on RenderStreet: 3rd party funding. It allows you to receive funds intro your RenderStreet account from another person or company.
Such a feature can be used for:
New RenderStreet One options: Modo support and extended render time
We know how important RenderStreet One has become to our users. And we also know that, for many of you, it’s the only affordable way to accelerate your renders. We’re always listening to your feedback regarding the program. So, today we’re releasing an update with two of the options you requested. These are: support for Modo rendering and for rendering longer frames when needed.
Just used RenderStreet for the first time
Just used @RenderStreet for the first time. Completely blown away. Turned a 20 hour rendering nightmare into a 30 minute coffee break. 10/10
— Matt Jones (@mattwgc) August 24, 2017