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An easier way to add jobs

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new interface

Since launch, we have collected feedback from you regarding the job management interface. We have slightly refined the interface in time, based on this feedback. But one of the major pain points was the inability to tweak the project parameters without uploading the file again. And sometimes these files can get very large. We listened to the feedback and I am happy to announce a major update to the job submission interface.

We have removed some annoying features and added some desired ones. Here is what was changed.

Removed the “project” entity

Uploading the files separately from submitting the jobs was perceived by you as not being intuitive. So we removed that and made the file selection a part of the job submission process. You can select the file in three ways: cloning an existing job and changing the parameters, uploading a file or selecting a file uploaded with FTP.

Less options to select

We can read from the .blend file a lot of information, such as render engine, executable version, whether bake is needed or not and so on. This is why we removed the interface for selecting those options.

Added some optional settings

You can now set directly from the interface various options, to reduce the need to upload the file again for changing some minor parameters. Here’s a list of items that can be changed:

  • Resolution
  • Camera
  • Sampling, in case of Cycles non progressive renders
  • Whether to force the render on CPU or GPU
  • Whether to use transparency for file formats that allow that

And some useful options that we kept:

  • File format
  • Frame range to render
  • Option to split the still images and render them on multiple machines

We have also kept in parallel the old job submission interface, so we can get familiarized with the new one and use that as a fallback, in case there are any problems with the new one.

Click here to test the new interface [login required]

Liked it? Anything missing or not working well? Let me know in the comments.


Sorin is the CTO of RenderStreet and works his magic to make sure everything renders as expected. His background is in computer science and he has a lot of experience managing technical teams in small and large companies.