AgenZasBrothers’ Weekly CG Challenge is a contest that has been picking up momentum due to its open nature—there are no restrictions regarding the software you use for the art—and the interesting themes. It’s a great way to test your skills, build up a portfolio, and hopefully enter the hall of fame. Besides, there are some cool prizes at stake!
For the next weeks, we’ll be supporting the Weekly CG Challenge contest and award the winner with a one-month subscription for RenderStret One —our all-you-can render program for Blender. There are other prizes too, so be sure to check out the contest page.
The challenge is organized by the team at AgenZasBrothers, and if you’re interested, participating is quite easy. Check out the contest rules and join the large Facebook Group (almost 3800 members) where everything gets announced. The rules are very flexible: you can submit animations or stills and you can go for 2D or 3D work, as long as it is computer generated.
This week’s topic is Baby Dinosaur. For your inspiration, here is a Top 25 Dinosaur Movie that will get you in the mood for playing around with infant velociraptors. And here’s an A-Z list with all the species that lived on Earth..
Looking forward to see your winning dino (deadline Monday, February 15, 12:00 GMT)!
PS. Next week, on the #43 edition, the theme has already been announced. Start preparing some Moving Pixels (Animation)!