At the beginning of this year we launched a solution dedicated to artists who needed an always-on rendering option without worrying about the added costs: RenderStreet One. Half a year in, and close to 1 million frames rendered into the program, we asked our users how they feel about it.
We decided to share these results with you because they represent an independent confirmation of the way the program delivers. The original questions and the aggregated answers are below (figures have been rounded to the closest mark for an easier read):
1. How would you appreciate the value for money offered by RenderStreet One?
One of the top priorities in designing this program was to offer a good value for money. We know that there is a continuous struggle in each project between ‘more detail’ and ‘render cost’ and sometimes it’s difficult to balance the two. Even in the case of a commercial project when the client pays for the render time, it’s difficult to factor in all changes and previz versions along the way. So we wanted to offer a tool to make this balancing act a bit easier.
Looking at the feedback from this question, I can say that the program checked this requirement. Roughly 90% of our users (the exact figure is 88.5%) consider it to provide a good or excellent value, which is what we were aiming for.
2. How fast is RenderStreet One compared to your own computer?
It’s all about speed baby! How fast do we deliver? 90% of our users say RenderStreet One is faster than their home computers. The figures here are very close in distribution to the ones from the first question, which was somehow to be expected. However, what I find interesting is that even those who have more powerful hardware at home still consider the program a good investment and continue using this service. Thank you for that!
3. What is the main benefit RenderStreet One offers you?
This was an open question and, in consequence, the answers we received were quite diverse. We had a few common denominators though, and here are some of the representative answers.
“The ability to render animations without having to worry about the price.”
“Rendering one Project while working on another Shot, Scene or even other Project.”
“I could use my computer while I let RenderStreet One render my images! Previously while rendering I couldn’t use my computer properly!”
“Ability to render out higher quality frames faster than my own computer. Ability to easily test what is working and what isn’t at higher quality, without having to pay huge amounts for frames I won’t end up using.”
No comment here, the quotes speak for themselves.
4. Would you recommend RenderStreet One to another Blender artist?
This is the bottom line question—the ultimate test for a product or service. If it’s good enough to be recommended to a friend, it has what it takes to deliver.
Every product has a few ‘make it or break it’ moments in its life. For RenderStreet One, this was one of them. I’m really happy that we have received very positive feedback from you, and we’ll work harder to tip the balance even harder to the right (figuratively and literally) side of the chart.
Again, a big thanks to all of you who have answered in this study, and have always been supportive of our initiatives!